How To Drive Sales Through Brand Awe

One of four (4) major consumer sentiments for 2024 and beyond, a sense of awe among consumers tend to trigger important decisions in brand engagement and spending. Here’s how to drive sales as an awe-spirational brand.

One of the four (4) key sentiments among consumers cited for 2024 by global trends analysts, Awe triggers important decisions in brand engagement and spending.

In essence, Awe is often accompanied by a sense of humility and a feeling of being small in the face of something greater than oneself. It can also lead to feelings of connection, empathy, and altruism, as people may feel a sense of oneness with others or a desire to help those in need. How did consumers arrive at such sentiment?

Two factors: the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic globally (moreso locally, in the Philippines) and NASA’s recently published images of the unseen Universe. Consumers have experienced not only a sense of wonder about how vast the world is against the communities they thrive in, but the roles they play against the scale of the world, or the Universe. These lead to important decisions in perceiving lifestyle and spending habits, among other things. In a sea of brands competing for attention, how do we now drive sales at the time of Awe

1. Instead of being “the authority,” be an “awe-thority.” Instead of communicating your brand as “the leading provider of (blank)” or “the top-selling (blank),” or any other descriptors that make you the authority, recognize the sense of community you share with fellow brands. Communicate that you are like any other brands out there, but what makes you stand out is that you’re right for what the customer wants or needs at that moment. After all, the strive for perfection ended in the 2000s. Share with other brands the spotlight. There is beauty in togetherness.

2. Create immersive experiences. Offer experiences to selected consumers such as facility tours and insider specials through video content. These types of experiences can create a sense of awe and wonder in customers, making them more likely to feel a personal connection with your brand and ultimately make a purchase. 

3. Celebrate prosocial communities. Consumers are growing fond of brands that represent a community. Be it large or small, recognize this value by connecting with communities that amplify the brand voice.

4. Recognize conscious materialism. Limit your assortment to the bare, perfected, high-quality essentials. One-stop shops are just that: they limit creativity and choice.  Conscious materialists tend to focus on purchasing high-quality, durable products that are made to last. They are willing to invest more in a product if they know it will last longer and have a smaller environmental impact over time.

5. Under-promise, but overdeliver. Keep the comms simple, but the delivery glossy. Customers enjoy finding out about new brands from people they already trust. With awe as a mix of fear and wonder, consumers gravitate towards brands that surprise, that delight, that encourage positive feelings without the burden of being preached at by the brand.

Brands that successfully create a sense of awe in their customers are often associated with high-quality, premium products and services, which can ultimately drive sales and revenue growth.

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